

Is the time , now to change my life

i want to change myself , especially character shy

because i want give myself a chance to realize my dreams

If i want to have a change of life

So , in addition to effort still effort

do not let myself regret it

because at least me efforts have been made

i would like to start a new life

i do not want to be like the bird in the cage

I already apply to study , side work a side study

Stupid me , now already old

before not effort , wasting a lot of time........blame myself

I want to get rid of an ordinary life

The difficult is really very difficult

Please~~~~~who can teach me eng....

Future refuel﹏♥﹏Gambateh =)

Some pain , can not tell , can only be endured

until it can gradually forget

P / S : Please u...do not export wounding

